Why micro wind turbines don’t work

by | Feb 2, 2018 | Microwind Energy | 0 comments

The most dispiriting thing about trying to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle is that it is all about not doing things.

We are told we have to stop flying, stop driving, stop eating meat, stop heating our houses… the list goes on and on.

So it is a nice change to be told that there is something you can do which will reduce your impact on the environment AND requires that you buy yourself a nice bit of kit to boot.

Bring on the domestic wind turbine!

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What could be more environmentally friendly than harvesting electricity from the wind and what better ethical badge of honour than a turbine spinning on my roof?

That’s certainly what I thought three years ago, when my family and I were challenged by the Newsnight editor to try to make our lifestyle greener.

read more at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/ethicalman/2009/12/why_micro_wind_turbines_dont.html


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