Leachate Treatment

Leachate Treatment is the most difficult process of water treatment, the reason is the unknown element present into the leachate day by day.

Thank by R&D performed together some university Hydroswiss is able to supply real and cost effective Leachate Treatment using carbonates elements.


In this field a feasibilty study is mandatory to select the most appropriate solution and technologies combination.


Wet oxidation processes


Wet oxidation processes

Such as ozonisation, are used if it is possible to oxidise organic contaminants either completely or to convert biorefractory contaminants into biodegradable contaminants.



Activated carbon adsorption


Activated carbon adsorption

Is used for cases in which organic pollutants in the leachate cannot be degraded either biologically or using wet oxidation processes.


Chemical Treatment Plant up to 24,000 tons per year



Chemical Treatment Plant up to 24,000 tons per year

The concentrated material is returned to the landfill where it supports waste degradation processes for biogas production; finally, the ammonium sulphate is transferred and used in the food industry or as fertiliser for farming.


Ozone technology applied to treat of leachate